The Pro Elephant Network (PREN) consists of a global community of diverse individuals and organisations, united in their common concern for Nature, their deep association with the natural world and their commitment to apply their experience for the greater good.

PREN provides a strong framework of co-operation and networking to reverse and cease harmful practises towards Elephants including but not limited to capture, imprisonment, captive breeding, abuse, training, exhibition, commercial contact and the trade in live Elephants and body parts. Employing evidence-based information, PREN promotes the intrinsic value and self-determination of free-living Elephants for the purpose of ending all exploitation of Elephants.

The mission of PREN is to end the capture and exploitation of Elephants by humans. To advocate for the release of captive-held Elephants into the wild. Where freedom and reintegration into the wild is not possible, to seek the best ethical solutions in the most natural surroundings possible. The acceptability and viability of these ethics and conditions are to be evaluated relative to what the individual Elephant would be able to experience in the wild. To support the effective protection of wild Elephants and the environment that they inhabit.


The individuals and organisations of the members are listed on the website. The Members of PREN embrace expertise from the fields of science, conservation, animal welfare, human and non-human rights, philosophy and ethics, advocacy, economics, community leadership, creative writing, journalism, the media, social justice, the law. The membership of PREN includes Elephant experts and specialists from around the world.